Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Before I forget what happened this really long excellent weekend:
Thursday I hung out with Chris. He drew me a most lovely picture (of me!) we went to the gryphon and we saw Palmer! Friday I went out to Mexican food with Sam and Alex, then we went to Sam's place and watched The Princess Bride. Saturday I went over to Chris' house we watched Dr. Strangelove and ate soup and oranges, we spent most of the time talking, I guess we had a lot to talk about. Sunday I went over to Britt's housem, we jammed on her sweet guitars and talked, then I went to church and got dragged by Beth to youth group. All in all it was long weekend. I think I spent most of it in thought. I had a lot to think about, I guess.
P.S. I think I am spending this weekend in NYC, I dont know for sure though.
Thursday I hung out with Chris. He drew me a most lovely picture (of me!) we went to the gryphon and we saw Palmer! Friday I went out to Mexican food with Sam and Alex, then we went to Sam's place and watched The Princess Bride. Saturday I went over to Chris' house we watched Dr. Strangelove and ate soup and oranges, we spent most of the time talking, I guess we had a lot to talk about. Sunday I went over to Britt's housem, we jammed on her sweet guitars and talked, then I went to church and got dragged by Beth to youth group. All in all it was long weekend. I think I spent most of it in thought. I had a lot to think about, I guess.
P.S. I think I am spending this weekend in NYC, I dont know for sure though.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Alright. So its monday, and I just finished my Math and Engish midterms. It was pretty boring, and I guess I did ok. Sunday I just kindda hung out, read some and went out for bad American Chinese with mom and RJ. Sorry Im going in backwards order, so saturday I did homework and then mom, RJ, Chris and I went down the the city to see ComedySportz, its this really funny improv game thingy. Then we all went back home, Chris and I stayed up rather late listening to Rage Against The Machine (I like Rage, but I had no idea he used to listen to them too). All in all, it was a good saturday. Friday after school Bill, Doucie, Katie, RJ and I went out to see the second Underworld. Eh, it wasent too interesting. Then we all went to the mall for sushi and we looked around the mall for quite a while. All in all, it was pretty fun. I had a mighty good weekend. This week we have midterms, but we get out at like noonish today and tomorrow. Then thursday midterms get out at about 9:30, and no school friday. Sam and I are thinking about having a little girls night, watching movies, eating non burnt popcorn, talking about boys and all that.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
4:44 (NICE)
Ok, so I will not be taking this down, becuase I am too lazy, and I like to have a place to rant about my life. And I shall rant! Lots of ranting! Score!
Ok, so, I must not be grounded, becuase my parents havent said anything about it since tuesday. By the way, I had a sucessful tuesday afternoon guitar lesson, and on wednesday I had an extremely good driving lesson, involving lots of playting with the headlights (so fun!), and learning how to park. My teachers name is Roger, and he is in his late 50s, he was the highschool football quaterback captain and he chews really minty gum. He seemed nice. So today is thursday afternoon, and I should be working for the whole "midterm" shit, I really need to do amazingly on my Italian and Euro midterms so I can, you know, do well.
Of late I cant stop listening to the album Songs For Silverman, by Ben Folds. Its got this weird sad pop thing going on. Really good. I also have been playing a ton of Fingers Crossed by Architecture In Helsinki. The best way to describe it is addictive.
Ok, so, I must not be grounded, becuase my parents havent said anything about it since tuesday. By the way, I had a sucessful tuesday afternoon guitar lesson, and on wednesday I had an extremely good driving lesson, involving lots of playting with the headlights (so fun!), and learning how to park. My teachers name is Roger, and he is in his late 50s, he was the highschool football quaterback captain and he chews really minty gum. He seemed nice. So today is thursday afternoon, and I should be working for the whole "midterm" shit, I really need to do amazingly on my Italian and Euro midterms so I can, you know, do well.
Of late I cant stop listening to the album Songs For Silverman, by Ben Folds. Its got this weird sad pop thing going on. Really good. I also have been playing a ton of Fingers Crossed by Architecture In Helsinki. The best way to describe it is addictive.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Oh man, so it was not as bad as I thought it was. Phew.
Now my list of horrible things is shorter:
1. Lots of yelling this morning
2. Got 10% points taken off for being late to class
3. Bombed Euro test
4. Might get grounded (MIGHT!)
See? The list is only really bad, I have this feeling that it will all turn out ok. It always turns out ok. So I totally just realized that the whole point of me even keeping this damn bog thing is so I can be happy about my weekends and sad about my weekdays. And so I can be "cool" with the geek gang for having a blog. Even if the only person who really used their blog is Dougie. Yeah, so I am totally debating about taking this down. I might as well.
Now my list of horrible things is shorter:
1. Lots of yelling this morning
2. Got 10% points taken off for being late to class
3. Bombed Euro test
4. Might get grounded (MIGHT!)
See? The list is only really bad, I have this feeling that it will all turn out ok. It always turns out ok. So I totally just realized that the whole point of me even keeping this damn bog thing is so I can be happy about my weekends and sad about my weekdays. And so I can be "cool" with the geek gang for having a blog. Even if the only person who really used their blog is Dougie. Yeah, so I am totally debating about taking this down. I might as well.
It was a harsh morning.
Wish me luck with the rest of the night.
Wish me luck with the rest of the night.
Monday, January 16, 2006
So after this week being mighty sucky (due to some unfortunate events), a good weekend was greatly called for and it turned out pretty good. My 'rents left friday morning to go to... somewhere to visit friends, after school RJ went to the city and I chilled at home 'till Chris came over to watch bad movies. Saturday RJ woke up really early to go over to Ambers house, and I went out and got some sweet new photos (posted on flickr and deviant). Chris, Ginny Anna and I went out for good Indian food before heading over to the South Asian culture show at 'Stoga. We met up with some of his friends so it was cool, the power went out about half way through the show and we waited for a long time before the show started up again in the cafe. Then we went back to my place and hung out 'till he had to go home.
The next morning was sunday I think, mom called and we talked then she was like, go wake up RJ I want to talk to him. I go upstairs, realize he isant home yet and freak out. Mom was ok with that and she called him. Apparently the storm was really bad and he stayed over. Seeing as we had monday off Chris did come over for a bit, this time we watched bad 80s movies with RJ. Today was monday and I went to see Brokeback Mountain, it was alright, not amazing but not bad or anything. I walked around the mall and got some shirts and some new shoes, pretty sweet. Sadly I missed the bus back so I called Chris and asked if he could maybe give me a lift back to my place, he is so the best guy ever and drove all the way to the mall picked me up and drove me home, I owe him so much for that.
Anyway, that was my weekend, it was good. And to end the most excellent weekend, I am watching Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey (awwww yeah)!
The next morning was sunday I think, mom called and we talked then she was like, go wake up RJ I want to talk to him. I go upstairs, realize he isant home yet and freak out. Mom was ok with that and she called him. Apparently the storm was really bad and he stayed over. Seeing as we had monday off Chris did come over for a bit, this time we watched bad 80s movies with RJ. Today was monday and I went to see Brokeback Mountain, it was alright, not amazing but not bad or anything. I walked around the mall and got some shirts and some new shoes, pretty sweet. Sadly I missed the bus back so I called Chris and asked if he could maybe give me a lift back to my place, he is so the best guy ever and drove all the way to the mall picked me up and drove me home, I owe him so much for that.
Anyway, that was my weekend, it was good. And to end the most excellent weekend, I am watching Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey (awwww yeah)!
Monday, January 09, 2006
How the fuck did this day go by so fast? Feels like I got home from school an hour ago!
So I am currently reading a book my James Frey called A Million Little Pieces. It is one of thoes books where you cant put it down. I started reading saturday afternoon (with a long break to hang out with Chris), read all day sunday (with short breaks for homework and food), got home today and havent been able to put it down. If you know my reading pattern, or me at all for that matter, you know that I love the book(s) I am reading right that second. I say that my favorite book is the one (or two) that I am reading currently. But I do have a short list of books that I loved much more than anyother book. Books that I only recommend to people who seem like they will appreaciate the book as much, if not more, than I did. This might someday become one of thoes books. Maybe, maybe not.
So I am currently reading a book my James Frey called A Million Little Pieces. It is one of thoes books where you cant put it down. I started reading saturday afternoon (with a long break to hang out with Chris), read all day sunday (with short breaks for homework and food), got home today and havent been able to put it down. If you know my reading pattern, or me at all for that matter, you know that I love the book(s) I am reading right that second. I say that my favorite book is the one (or two) that I am reading currently. But I do have a short list of books that I loved much more than anyother book. Books that I only recommend to people who seem like they will appreaciate the book as much, if not more, than I did. This might someday become one of thoes books. Maybe, maybe not.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Aww man, it was a good weekend. One of the best in a while. I got lots of work done, and had a good time hanging out with Chris. Friday after school I played some guitar and did some homework, then Chris and I went to MYA and danced for a bit, then out for a cold walk outside. It was freezing, but fun. Satuday I worked on painting the back of my skateboard, Ill be putting up Deviant or Flickr photos some when I finish. In the afternoon Chris and I went to his place and I helped him work on his art project, it looks like a cross between and pirate and a bumble bee. He dropped me off at home at like 7ish (he had a appointment) and I went to the bookstore where I saw Kendra (I see you everywhere) and I got some sweet books, that I am enjoying very much! Chris picked me up again at like 8ish. And we went out for waffles and french toast at Minellas, he is the new Waffle Boy (heh heh heh). Then to The Gryphon where we met some cool Radnor kids, and eventually back to my place for a bit. It was pretty fun, plus it was amusing to watch him paint.
Sunday, today, I spend the entire day reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, so far it is really amazing, I am actually really impressed. I also started and my English paper (10 pages Ms. V, you are crazy, 10 pages!). And started my highway fucking safety paper, ugh. And thats about it.
All in all, it was a good weekend, and I am happy. By the way, today is definitely not friday.
Sunday, today, I spend the entire day reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, so far it is really amazing, I am actually really impressed. I also started and my English paper (10 pages Ms. V, you are crazy, 10 pages!). And started my highway fucking safety paper, ugh. And thats about it.
All in all, it was a good weekend, and I am happy. By the way, today is definitely not friday.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Looky! A post that is not about what I did this weekend! Everyday this week I said "today is deffinatly not friday" and today I could finally say that it was friday. And not a great friday at that. Alex P was out sick this whole week, and we (millie and I) were going to have Sam to oureselves for the week, but then he came back thursday. Needless to say, I have not talked to Sam since he came back. I have not talked to Alex either. They are to absorbed in themselves they fail to notice their other friends. Its been kindda pissing me off.
I have also made some changes since the new year. Including, but not limited to: playing guitar every day and doing all my school work. So thats about it for the week. Oh yeah, there is apparently a MYA dance tonight, I might show for a bit. It depends I guess.
One last thing - ROCK ON!!
I have also made some changes since the new year. Including, but not limited to: playing guitar every day and doing all my school work. So thats about it for the week. Oh yeah, there is apparently a MYA dance tonight, I might show for a bit. It depends I guess.
One last thing - ROCK ON!!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Well, it is no longer 2005, but I guess you figured that out allready. So my last week was surprisingly good. The grandparents came over, and they were ok, nothing bad happened (amazing). Thursday was nice though, I went to the Townhall concert with Chris after we had food with my family, and I ran into some of my other friends (Kendra, I see you everywhere). The first band was sucky, The Builders came on next and they were worth seeing again. Then Townhall, of course that was good. Mom let my curfew out a little ('till midnight), so that was nice of her. Friday I hung out with the family, then went over to see some Bond movies with the Christopher. Saturday was the best, Chris and I went out walkign for like an hour and a half in the rain, then it started sleeting (hailing), so that was nice, cold but pretty awesome. Then we went out to dinner with his parents at an Italian place, it was good, his 'rents are mighty nice. After food we went over to one of his friends houses and played Halo for a few hours. I had to be home for my own party, so we headed home at around 11, we stayed at my place for the actual 11:59-12:00 ordeal. Then he went home, all in all, it was a good day. Sunday I slept a lot (to recharge my human battery) and went to church, it was gooooooood.
Two new important things have happened: School started up again, monday morning. And I applied to go to Oxford for 5 weeks this summer. Also, sorry I guess its three, I have been playing much more guitar, i.e. I am actually practicing, and getting tons better. Yay!
Two new important things have happened: School started up again, monday morning. And I applied to go to Oxford for 5 weeks this summer. Also, sorry I guess its three, I have been playing much more guitar, i.e. I am actually practicing, and getting tons better. Yay!
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