Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Of late, some weird stuff has been happening.

Friday, after school Alex P. and I went to the mall and the movies. We got some cool stuff, and of course stopped off at the regular shops. We then want and saw Red Eye, or something like that. It wasnt that good, but the most scary thing was at the door a guy came up to us wearing an Acme name tag and asked for out ticket stubs before he let us in. Alex and I sort of got nervous, and us, allways perpared we ready to call security, or at least run. I got home pretty late, about 11:30. On saturday I took the train to Alex Hs house (way to be confusing, two guys, both named Alex), he picked me up at the train station and we went back to his house. We hung around 'till his mom made us pasta. We went to the movies and saw Corpse Bride, it was bittersweet. We got back, had some tasty peach icecream then hung out till mom picked me up at like.. 10. I didnt get home untill one in the morning, because we had to then drive to Ambers house to pick up Roger. Sunday I did homework, and then the whole family went into Philly. Mom and I got my homecoming dress. Its the most fancy and slinky thing I own. Its pretty amazing, no worries, Ill get photos.

Monday (that was today!) was weird. My dad and I have been fighting a lot of late. Something is just wrong and I dont know what it is. He just seems generally unhappy with me, and I cant do much about it. Mom seems pretty lost too, as if their lifes have completly seprated from mine. Feels like we live in the same house and eat together, but dont have any connections anymore. I am seriously thinking about making us all get together and talk, because something is just not right in this family. Some good friends are having relationship problems and some other good friends are confessing things. Things arent exactly all in place yet, this new school year hasent really started just yet.

On a better note, I am working in stone, finally, in sculpture.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

16 interesting facts, you never needed to know

1. I miss China more than anything
2. I want to go to a crazy party, and do something stupid
3. My three favorite songs are (in no order): Life on Mars (David Bowie), The Moon (Microphones), Idioteque (Radiohead)
4. I dislike the mall, unless I am with Alex P, or mom, and have money
5. I have been spending more time in my new room, then ever before, ever
6. Guitar rocks, but man, my fingers hurt
7. No mater how much I draw, I havent gotton much better since I was about 12
8. Half the websites on my Favorites list, I didnt find myself
9. Gmail isant the same without the everyday email, and spam, I miss spam
10. I have allways wanted to see the northern lights
11. ...And go to a hippie nudist colony for a weekend
12. Also backpack through Western Europe
13. I someday want to visit Michael in South Africa
14. Road trips are fun, and I should go on more
15. Someday, I would like to see a building that I designed being built
16. I would love to see one of my best freinds in concert, and have VIP passes.

Thats about it. Thanks.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


I have had the most interesting week. Last weekend my family and I spent the days finishing up packing. Monday was normal, then we skipped school tuesday and moved. The movers came, we packed the truck, we moved, we unpacked the truck, rinse and repeat. We did like like three times. The rest of the week was spent (after school unpacking and arranging the things in our new house). I have gotton used to the scary basement, and ugly green carpeting. I found out two awesome things about my new room. One: its bigger and therefor I have more room. Two: my windows open and one can climb out onto the roof of the dining room. Its awesome.

Friday was regular and such, Alex Hills came over. We hung out and had food, then mom and dad left to go see a play in Philly. We pretty much just hung out, told jokes with RJ and sat on my roof. He attempted to close my window after we both got back in, and he broke it. Silly Alex, breaking other peoples windows! Alex drove home at maybe.. 10:30, so it was a pretty long visit, it was fun though. Saturday was normal and so forth, 'till we got the internet to work (and the wireless works in my room, oh yeah!).

One last thing... I have allways been pretty good with dice, and ok with cards. My family sat down to play a game of Risk, my favorite board game. There are two ways to play. The first one is where everyone gets dealt a whole bunch of cards and thats the only way to get regions. The second is the way I allways win, its where you in some order, pick your own regions. We played the first way, and dad killed RJ, mom was badly losing, and I was second only to the man who taught me to play, my dad. We decided that the game would just take waaay to long if we dragged it out. So I didnt win, but didnt lose. Note the not losing. Ok.. now on to the actual last thing: I have been playing a lot more guitar, and I now have somre simple chords down. So thats happy, and good.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


The first two days of school were fine, nothing to great to talk about. Today, friday was my moms birthday. Happy 27th (47th) birthday, mom! Ok, so we go out to eat, we eat sushi and hibatchi. Mom was happy. Then we drop dad off at the house, and drop RJ off at the movies. Mom and I went to the football game. It was pretty cool, I saw some people I know, and met two new kids. I was slighty sad, I didnt get to talk to one of my friends, but thats cool anyway. So all in all, everything was good. I arrived late and left early, and got a huge ass amount of people tellingme how cool my bowler was. Thats pretty normal. Also some frosshie told me and some of the kids I was hanging with that we were real goths. Ann and I tried to give them hugs, but they ran away screaming. How did their 'rents forget to tell them about how bad it is to talk to strangers, especially strangers like me.

Alex/Scott called, Ive got to call him back... soon. With luck, I can hang out with him at my new house friday (Matt, the British kid lives on the same road that I will, apparently). 'Cant wait to see him (Scott/Alex), I love having friends.

We pack this weekend, then I get out of school tuesday to move all the shit into the new house. Sounds like fun to me, stupid teachers made it more fun by adding in homework to the allready fucked up schedule.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


So mom and I go to my first guitar lesson with this guy named Russ. She drops me off and I head upstairs to the lesson rooms. I see a girl from my homeroom, she just finished her bass lesson, and was waiting for her brother. She and I sat around talking till my lesson started at four. Russ takes my guitar and we talk about tuning. He gives me back my guitar, and we work on holding the guitar and talked about the major and minor chords. He also asked me about my favorite music, I told him mostly rock, and college rock. He asked about musicians I like, I said Bryan Adams, so he played me one of his songs. It was cool. He says he will teach me whatever songs and styles I want to know.

Mom then took me to the Gap, we have both noticed that everything I buy there fits me perfectly. Mom claims that I am the most perfect size, so we gots some shirts and a belt.

One last thing, school starts tomorrw, half of me says that school is gonna be awesome. The other half is telling me to get really sick so I dont have to go. Hah hah hah, classic.

Monday, September 05, 2005


So this will be an interesting post. On sunday morning, at about 9 RJ wakes me up and tells me that we need to be on the train to Amber and Alys house in 5 mins. We miss that train due to showering and so forth. Mom and dad agree to drive us into the city to get on the 30th street station train to their house. Three train rides later we arrive, get picked up by the girls mother and start the hour long ride to Olivias house in noth NJ. We arrive a little while later (due to no other cars on the NJ parkway) in Olivias town, get lost three times, and eventually call them up to send Alex and Olivia in Alexs car to find us and pick us up. We actually arrive at her house seconds later. And hang out 'till Rafi arrives from NYC. The DDR that Alex brought and Olivias trampoline are well used, along with a full pack of 24 sodas. Rafi and Aly go home at around.. wait.. I dont know when, by then my sense of time was gone. The five remaining (Amber, Olivia, Alex, RJ and I) all pile into Alexs car and head to the Cold Stone for more ice cream than should be allowed my man, and then to the movie rental place. We picked up Eurotrip and Team America. Of course we watched Eurotrip first, with tons of singing Scotty Doesnt Know, and a whole hell of a lot of laughing. At the end of the movie we went and got orange juice, 'cause you know you wanted orange juice after watching that movie. Some more sitting/jumping on the trampoline occured then Team America, I thought it was pretty bad, I think most everyone else thought so too. Only a few actually funny bits. Somewhere between the time Rafi and Aly left and when we went to bed we all got changed into sleeping clothes. Amber and Olivia changed into Olivias clothes, and RJ stayed the same ('cause he didnt care) Alex got changed into theses sweet Pink Floyd PJ bottoms and I stole his jeans. They are huge on me, so its fun cause its like wearing UFO pants. I also got a tank top from Olivia. We all settled down to go to bed at like 2 in the morning, I take that back, RJ and Amber settled down to sleep on the floor while Olivia, Alex and I didnt, we debated if we should sleep out on the trampoline or not. In the end everyone slept on the floor but me, who slept on this couch/chair thing. I wasent tired and didnt want to wake everyone else up while I sat up. I didnt sleep till I saw light in the sky, apparently neither did Alex.

At maybe 9:45, maybe 10 we woke up, sat around, played on the trampoline, talked and ate some cool wholewheat waffles. We all also talked about our secret plan, but I cant tell you about it. All Ill say is that it will be the most aweosme thing ever if we can pull it off. Ambers mom picked us all up (Amber, RJ and I) and took us back to their house where mom and dad picked us up maybe an hour later. All in all, it was aweosme, I love my Bucks Rock friends so much.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Mom and dad wake us up this morning asking about the better water park: Hershey or Silk Flags. So we go to Six Flags, spend the day sitting in the sun, and riding crazy tube water slides. It was ok, but I dont like waiting in lines, so not that great. We did see the whole wave pool get cleared out and some guy get taken out on a stretcher. So that was sort of weird.

Anyway, tomorrow I go to Olivas house for a camp gettogether, so that should be fun. Im sure that seeing some of my friends will be great, I do hope that everyone who was invited wil be there. Friends = awesome. The next day, monday Im going over to Dougies house. He owes me an ice cream or dinner or something. I cant wait to see him again so I am looking forward to that. One last bit, is that I have my first guitar lesson on Thursday, should be fun.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I hate to say it, but I actually am looking forward to school. Most of all homeroom. Of late I have been listening to more and more emo, emo that Drew would like, or does like. We sat next to each other and often traded iPods during homeroom, or at least shared. He called my iPod the Ghetto Pod, so we often just sat around listening to emo in the mornings. A typical conversation when we are both listening to the same iPod would sound much like this:

[Drew puts on an emo song]
Rachel: I hate emo music
Drew: I hate you
[Rachel takes nearest item and slashes at wrists]
Rachel (in mock tone): I hate the world!

If people were watching some would laugh, but most of the time he would just scowl. Its kindda weird knowing that I will be sitting next to him for the next three years and then standing next to him at graduation. I sort of only know him as the guy I graduate next to, lucky us and our last names.

Anyway, back to reality. Is it just me or do people actually ever want to know what someones favorite band, song, colour, parent and so on really is? I mean, who cares what band I like best? And song is like the same question, plus, I couldnt choose anyway, I like too many songs and bands to rule out the ones I like till I get just one. What about colour, you should be able to tell, most people wear their favorite colour a lot. Now to parent, who is your favorite parent. Most kids are going to tell you that they like their 'rents equally (sorry kids, thats almost impossible). One last thing before I kill you all with my horrible rant. This is more or less a question, why do people fill out thoes surveys? You know the ones that ask your name, if you do or dont smoke and drink, the ones that ask who was the last person you liked/made out with/had sex with and so on. I have this theory that people fill that out 'cause they want people to know, but who really wants to know who you last hooked up with? I sure dont care enough to read the damn thing anyway. Sorry about the rant, I am just so sick of seeing thoes things on peoples blogs (thats what a profile is for)!


So this morning at like 11 I wake up, call Chris and meet him at about noon at the Rite Aide, where he works. We go to Subway and get some lunch. We sit around near the fountain for a while just talking. I did finally get a good photo of him with a smile on his face. I caught him laughing. Anyway, after lunch he got back to work and I went to get some food for the house. I spent the rest of the day just hanging out. Nothing too interesting. Oh and one last thing, school starts in a week, so only one week left till hell. Joy.

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