Sunday, January 21, 2007


So. Today is the 21st of January. Its been an interesting month so far. Here are the highs and lows:

It just snowed for the first time on friday, people in Philly are wimps.

Sam and I started Piizza Park, where we (and some other friends) go to Phils and get pizza then to the park behind the library to play on the jungle gym and feast. Its a once a week thing.

Doug and I started dating on the first and its been good so far.

My best friend Alex stopped talking to me and isant returning my phone calls. I miss him a lot, its, well, its awful.

Midterms are this week and Ive been craming all this weekend to make up for my really horrific first semester grades.

This thursday should be awesome, though. Im going laser tagging with some friends and everyone LOVES laser tag.

And then friday we have off and then on sunday Im chilling with Gustopher then DnD at Dougs, Im terribly excited.

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