Friday, June 22, 2007


Its been over a month since I last posted. So, here we go:

I got my wisdom teeth out and then, two days later, was admitted to the hospital at midnight. Got diagnosed with a kidney infection (many tests, lots of drugs and some cute doctors later). Nephritis or something like that. I missed over a week of school and got excused from taking all my finals. Awesome, huh?

I made up for it to my Italian teacher by asking to keep the text over the summer so I could work on my verbs. I know in some way that brought my grade up a little.

I haven't really done much so afar this summer. But I plan on more concerts, more shows, more time with friends, and perhaps a job. But no one will hire me, 'cause I'm under 18. Annoying.

Good news though, I am stripping, priming and painting two big benches we have outside. Either dad is paying me 20 an hour or 350-500 for the whole job. Not bad at all. Also, as a side note for my future self: I fixed the kitchen paint sink and dad is now, finally, seeing that a job in engineering wouldn't be too amiss from my talents.

And today, Alex and I started speaking again. He stood me up a few weeks ago and I refused to talk to him. He came over, we went out to eat and saw Paprika. It was the weirdest movie I have ever seen. I loved the art, but the concept was iffy and the story was not well played out. Too much was going on with not enough explanation. Don't go see it.

Its been fun.

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