Sunday, May 28, 2006


Its been a while, but not a lot has happened, so you didnt miss out. Besides that fact that I broke up with Chris (for various reasons), and I went to my best friends prom (and it was fantastic). Anyway, thats old news. This weekend is memorial weekend (!), so I am grealty enjoying my extra day off. Friday was pretty good, I hung out with Mel and her friend Sean, we had ice cream and hung around on her awesome waterbed and trampoline.

Saturday at like noon I met up with Doug (aka Dougie), we spent about 4 hours walking around south street and surrounding areas. Then back to his appartment to listen to music and watch the Wedding Singer. I had a great time, we got a lot of much needed talking done, so it was totally worth it. Today is.. sunday and my whole family went Kayaking for a few hours, I burned, got a ton of excersize, but man, it was relaxing. I <3 kyacking.

Im unclear of what Im doing tomorrow, I hope something fun that involves no homework what-so-ever.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Its the first of May, May day, as they call it. I did spend a lot of time taking photos this weekend, its been a good time. Anyway, on a more personal note Chris Hickson and I started dating uh... about three weeks ago, or something like that. But this friday we went to prom, I had this great dress and he looked so great in the tux. We left early and went to a little house party, it was fun, but I went home at like 1, so a little early.

Saturday I spent a lot of time in the city with Roger, Amber and Aly. I had a lot fo fun, got some shopping done and had a good time in Condom Kingdom. Then I went to Bill's house for the bonfire. It was pretty awesome, we had a lot of fun sitting around doing nothing. Sunday was sweet cause we went to the art museum and got to see our new house in the city. Its pretty.

Right well, rock on.

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